Product Roadmap

Product Roadmap

We're serious about making our product the most accessible & fastest way to build AI-powered apps.

We want to prove that to you.

We're serious about making our product the most accessible & fastest way to build AI-powered apps.

We want to prove that to you.

We're serious about making our product the most accessible & fastest way to build AI-powered apps.

We want to prove that to you.




Stable Diffusion & OpenJourney

Both are very likely to be integrated via Hugging Face (our AI friends who are also advancing and democratizing AI to the masses!)


Interactive App Preview Window

We want to let you test and quickly make updates to your apps. We think this is critical to helping an app creator get the speed they were promised 😅.



Share Your Templates!

We're SO excited about this update. This will let people submit their creations to the Template Library for others to view, clone, and create with! This is how we start to make a bit more Open Source and accessible to the world.




App Landing Page Styling

This will give you the ability to make your app's landing page look both awesome and unique! You'll be able to make changes for:
- The background's color and texture
- The app title & description's color, style, and placement
- The form fields' color, style, and placement.
- Adding a cover image
- Adding a logo or icon to represent your app (think Notion's landing pages).


Monetize Your Submitted Templates!

This is when you can start to not only submit your apps to the template library, but sell them to other app creators. Think PromptBase, but for your heavily AI-powered app. It's going to be epic.


Monetize Your Apps!

We are thinking of having 3 ways of monetizing your apps:

1. Per Generation - meaning it will cost ($1) to submission/generation.
2. Using Credits - meaning your app users would need to pay you for credits to continue to use your apps.
3. Subscriptions - your app users pay a set fee monthly to use your app.




Build Your Apps from your Phone

This is going to be huge for app creators with incredible ideas that hit them at the most random times of the night or at unexpected places.



World on the street it GPT-4 will be coming on January some time. We want to get it in your hands within 24 hrs of it being announced.


🚨 Killer Feature 🚨


You click the "Create New App" and get asked to tell us what your app should do and how it should look, and we automagically turn that into a custom-made app that is ready to share or monetize.

For example, you would type:
"Build me an app that has 3 input fields: Topic, Length, and Social Source. This takes the user’s response and turns it into a shareable social media post to the social media source of their choice. It also should output 3 possible images to accompany the copy. Make it feel bold and give it a catchy title!"
…and would turn it into an app for you.


A Node-based Logic System

We love what we have today and think this UX along with the text-to-app feature will make things very easy to work with. That being said, having a drag-and-drop, node-based logic system will help visually show how things flow from one to other.


Week 3

Stay Tuned for more!

Have a feature request?